
inner peace

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Mindfulness For Inner Peace

Meditation, Meditation Videos

The practice of Mindfulness offers: Freedom from a restless mind A way to become less reactive to thoughts, emotion, and events A clear mind Insights into your true nature Have you ever stopped to consider what’s causing your stress? Aside…

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Valuable Lessons For A Successful Life

Yoga Wisdom, Yoga Wisdom Articles

We typically think that one who is recognized for his talents or worldly achievements is a “successful” person. Increasingly, people equate driving a Mercedes Benz, owning a large apartment, or wearing fashionable designer-label clothes with “success.” But from the point…

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Kirtan: The Heart And Soul Of Yoga

Kirtan, Kirtan Articles

Kirtan, the singing or chanting of sacred mantras, or Transcendental Sound, is an easy yet sublime method of yoga meditation that has been practiced since time immemorial. It is the recommended process for self-realization in the modern age and has…

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The Correct Angle Of Vision

Yoga Wisdom, Yoga Wisdom Articles

Reproduction of a conversation between Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur and Major Rana N. J. Bahadur at Armadale, Darjeeling on June 14th, 1935, originally published in “The Harmonist” on June 27, 1935, Vol. XXXI, No.21. The Correct Angle Of Vision Question: I…
