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Heartsong Devotional Chanting

Kirtan, Kirtan Videos

Hearing the beautiful Transcendental Sounds “Madana Mohana Murari Haribol” sung from the heart is an incredible, spiritual experience. In this video clip, Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda sings this heartfelt mantra with friends. To join in this meditative experience, simply draw the…

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Mantra Meditation Questions & Answers

Meditation, Meditation Article

Your meditation questions answered! Does chanting mantras ever get monotonous? Is Aum a mantra? Can mantras be bought and sold? Is chanting a kind of self-hypnosis? Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda answers these questions and more. Mantra Meditation Questions & Answers Question:…

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Mantra Meditation & Self Realization

Meditation, Meditation Article

The practice of mantra meditation  is very simple. But first let me give you a summary of the science of identity, of which mantra meditation is a part. “Science” means “truth”; therefore the science of identity means the truth of…
