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Insights On Mindfulness Meditation

Meditation, Meditation Article

Question: What are the main benefits of practicing mindfulness meditation? Answer: The practice of mindfulness has a primary benefit and a secondary benefit. The primary benefit from the yoga perspective is that it helps you realize that you are not your mind….

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Yoga: Oneness in Love

Yoga Wisdom, Yoga Wisdom Articles

The word yoga means union. For there to be union, there needs to be objects becoming united. The reality of that union can only be as real, true, or factual as the objects that are being united. If something that…

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Yoga View Of The Self

Yoga Wisdom, Yoga Wisdom Articles

The secret to true happiness lies in knowing who you really are. The yoga view of the self is about you—your essential nature. But what is your essence? What are you made of? Are you made of matter—a mere collection of…

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Silent Witness Meditation

Meditation, Meditation Article

Relax, and sit or lie in a quiet place. Don’t attempt to control the thinking process by trying to think certain thoughts and not think others. Instead, let your mind think about whatever it may. Now watch your mind and…

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The Correct Angle Of Vision

Yoga Wisdom, Yoga Wisdom Articles

Reproduction of a conversation between Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur and Major Rana N. J. Bahadur at Armadale, Darjeeling on June 14th, 1935, originally published in “The Harmonist” on June 27, 1935, Vol. XXXI, No.21. The Correct Angle Of Vision Question: I…
