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Yogic View of Life, God & Religion

Yoga Wisdom, Yoga Wisdom Videos

University students in the Philippines are asking the big questions. These audience questions from Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda’s lecture at the University of The Philippines Los Banos (UPLB) are on extremely interesting and meaningful topics including the yogic definition of life,…

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Yoga: Science or Religion?

Yoga Wisdom, Yoga Wisdom Articles

The goal of all yoga processes is to lead one to a correct understanding of what is–and to apply that correct understanding in life. Unlike religion, in which an individual may believe or not believe in something (regardless of its…

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Love: The Religion Of The Soul

Yoga Wisdom, Yoga Wisdom Videos

When most people think of religion, they think of a particular faith: Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Jew, etc.   They also feel that religion is something that you can join or something that you can quit.    A person’s faith can change but…
