
Science of Identity

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Yoga View Of The Self

Yoga Wisdom, Yoga Wisdom Articles

The secret to true happiness lies in knowing who you really are. The yoga view of the self is about you—your essential nature. But what is your essence? What are you made of? Are you made of matter—a mere collection of…

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Mantra Meditation & Self Realization

Meditation, Meditation Article

The practice of mantra meditation  is very simple. But first let me give you a summary of the science of identity, of which mantra meditation is a part. “Science” means “truth”; therefore the science of identity means the truth of…

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The Journey Of The Soul

Yoga Wisdom, Yoga Wisdom Videos

The soul is eternal by nature but it is travelling from one body to another, therefore a sober person should question, “If I am eternal, why am I journeying from one body to the next? Why can I not live…
